
Newsletter 9-9-24

September 9, 2024

PTO Meeting 10:00am Family Literacy Room Food Distribution 3:45-4:45 Door 13

Family Fun Night 5:30-7:00 Parent Teacher Conferences Parent Teacher Conferences

Every year, Lincoln Public Schools Elementary Principals Network organizes and distributes winter clothing through the Bubba’s Closet event.

Families who are in need of winter coats for their pre-school and elementary aged children are asked to fill out a form ( by Monday, Sept. 30, indicating the child’s size, age and school. Elementary principals cannot guarantee a new coat for every child, but they will do their best to fulfill as many requests as possible. Coats will be distributed to students through their school by late November.

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent teacher conferences will be held on October 2nd and 8th from 4:00-7:00 pm. Please make sure that you fill out and return the blue conference note that was sent home so that we can get conferences scheduled.

Census Form

If you did not not complete your students online registration verification you will be receiving a form to do so. Please make sure you check your students Monday folder for this important form. It is important that you complete this form and return to the office so that we can make sure we have all of your current information.

Counselor’s Corner By Ali Bohlke

Hello West Lincoln Families,

I wanted to use this space to discuss the roles of the mental health workers here in our building. We share some similar duties as well as some different ones.

Ali Bohlke (me)– I am the School Counselor. My job is to provide lower-intervention support to students who need someone to talk to. This can be about challenges at school or home. I also go into the classrooms to teach lessons on social skills and teach skills in a small group setting.

Tiffany Kavanaugh is the School Social Worker. She works with students one on one and in small groups and gives them a higher level of emotional support as she has been trained to do so. She also works with families on whatever needs they may have. She is one to contact if you have any questions or needs at home.

Baudelio Abrica is the School Psychologist. He works with students on specific behavior plans after other interventions have been implemented and if students need continued support. He works closely with our Special Education teachers.

Call or email any of us with questions or concerns about your student. We would love to assist in any way we can.

Nurse Notes from Caroline and Michelle

**Reminder: Students requiring medication at school, will need to have their medications in the original bottle/box and a parent consent form must be submitted as well. Students are NOT allowed to have medications in their classrooms. All medications, whether they are prescription or over-the-counter medications, must be kept in the health office.

**We have received many immunization forms, health physicals, dental forms, eye exam forms, etc. Thank You!! Please continue to send these to school. Reminder, all students must have immunizations completed by October 16th per Nebraska State law, to remain in school. Kindergarteners will also need physical exam forms submitted. Students with asthma or seizure disorders should have a new physician and parental action plan every year. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the health office.

**The health office provides clothing for students who have spilled something on their clothes or who have torn clothing. If your student borrows clothing from the health office, please wash the clothing and return it as soon as possible. Any student returning borrowed clothing will be given a prize.

**The health office will be conducting health screens for students who need them, beginning in September. If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact us.

**Reminder: If your student has red eyes with drainage please keep them home from school or provide us with a physician’s note. Many eye conditions are contagious and we do not want to spread this amongst students. Thanks!

Social Worker Communication

West Lincoln has 2 unique community resources that we want families to know about! White Cane Foundation is a clothing distribution to students who are nominated by a West Lincoln staff member. They come weekly during school hours and help kids by providing 2 seasonal outfits, shoes, socks and underwear. Parents are contacted by staff to obtain permission and sizing information. White Cane Foundation

Food Fort is a non-profit agency that dedicates Tuesdays from 5:30-6:30 PM for the West Lincoln students and neighborhood to come enjoy a meal, tutoring and free seasonal produce! Look for the Food Fort bus and trailers parked at the front of the school on Tuesdays! Food Fort

August 29                   PTO Meeting 5:30pm  Library

September 2            School Not in Session

September 3            School Not in Session

September 5            Eisley Library Night 5:30-6:30

September 9             Picture Day

September 12           PTO Meeting 10:00am Family Literacy Room

September 13           Food Distribution 3:45-4:45 Door 13

Food From Home

We would like to share the rules about bringing food from home for lunch. 

  1. Students may not bring a drink where the labeling indicates that the drink is not to be consumed by children under the age of 18.
  1. Students may only have water in the classroom.
  1. As always, students may not share any food at any time. If food is shared, it is to be confiscated immediately. 
  1. Any extra food items must be in a lunchbox or lunch bag and cannot be carried around at recess. Lunch Boxes need to be left in the designated area on the playground.

Hand Book Correction for Lunch Schedule

The times for 4th grade and 5th grade lunch were switched around in our handbook.  Here are the correct times for all lunches. We apologize for the inconvenience.


Kindergarten    10:40-11:30 

1st Grade            11:15-11:55 

2nd Grade         11:40-12:20 

3rd Grade          2:05-12:45 

4th Grade          12:35-1:15 

5th Grade         12:55-1:40

Eisley Library Night

Our annual Library Night will take place on Thursday, September 5th at 5:30pm.  Come out and enjoy stories read by West Lincoln Staff.  Free pizza and lemonade will be provided.  We hope to see you there!


Synergy ParentVUE is the “one-stop shop” for information about your student’s teachers and classes. In addition to providing parents/guardians secure access to student grades and assignments (secondary), attendance, and class information, ParentVUE is also the avenue to verify student enrollment in LPS. During the school year, parents can submit absences for their student(s) with just a few clicks! (see below) Parents of secondary students can also pay fees (Chromebook fines, yearbooks, etc.) via ParentVUE.

The District’s goal is to ensure at least one parent/guardian per household has activated

and uses their ParentVUE account. If you haven’t yet acquired an account, please contact Melissa Willits the school registrar 402-436-1168 option #1 for an activation key. 

Student Absences via ParenVue

You can save yourself a phone call by using ParentVUE to report full-day absences (partial day absences still require a call to the school office to specify what time the student will be gone). There is also a place to add a note if more explanation or details are needed. The attendance office will view and process the information you enter.

If using the ParentVUE app (phones & tablets):

Select the appropriate student and click the blue “Report Absence” button to enter the date(s) and reason for the absence(s). 

If using ParentVUE via the web:

Toggle to the appropriate student in the upper left hand corner. Next, click on the Attendance button and then the blue “Report Absence” button to enter the date(s) and reason for the absence(s).

Counselor’s Corner By Ali Bohlke

Hello West Lincoln Families,

During the month of September I will be going into the classrooms to discuss calming down strong emotions.  I want to share the strategies with you that I will be sharing with them so you can work on them at home together:

  1.  Deep breaths (breathe in through the nose, out through the mouth slowly 5 times).  Closing your eyes while doing this will help calm the brain and body.
  2. When we find that we are angry at someone, count to 10 in our heads or out loud before responding to that person.  We will have a kinder and more thoughtful response if we give ourselves time.
  3. Take a break.  If we are upset, sad, or angry it could be helpful to walk away and be somewhere alone where we can gather our thoughts before we react. 
  4. Eating healthy and exercising are also important ways to take care of our bodies.  When our bodies are taken care of, our mind becomes healthier as well.  A healthy mind helps us better deal with strong emotions.

As always, contact me or the school with any questions or concerns.

Nurse Notes from Caroline and Michelle

**Reminder:  Students requiring medication at school, will need to have their medications in the original bottle/box and a parent consent form must be submitted as well.  Students are NOT allowed to have medications in their classrooms.  All medications, whether they are prescription or over-the-counter medications, must be kept in the health office.   

**We have received many immunization forms, health physicals, dental forms, eye exam forms, etc.  Thank You!!  Please continue to send these to school.  Reminder, all students must have immunizations completed by October 16th per Nebraska State law, to remain in school.  Kindergarteners will also need physical exam forms submitted.  Students with asthma or seizure disorders should have a new physician and parental action plan every year.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the health office.

**The health office provides clothing for students who have spilled something on their clothes or who have torn clothing.  If your student borrows clothing from the health office, please wash the clothing and return it as soon as possible.  Any student returning borrowed clothing will be given a prize. 

**The health office will be conducting health screens for students who need them, beginning in September.  If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact us.

**We hope everyone is having a great school year so far! 

   August 12, 2024

September 2            School Not in Session

September 3            School Not in Session

September 5            Eisley Library Night 5:30-6:30

September 9             Picture Day

September 13           Food Distribution 3:45-4:45 Door 13


We are so excited to start the school year. Below are some important reminders to begin the school year.

Arrival Times

Students’ earliest arrival time is 8:40.  Students will enter the building at 8:52, and will be served breakfast. School begins at 9:00.

Dismissal Time

Students are dismissed at 3:38.  Please make sure your dismissal plan is communicated to your students’ teacher. If students are not picked up by 3:50 parent calls will be made.  As a reminder we no longer have early dismissal days

Pickup and Drop Off

Please make sure that you follow these safety procedures. If everyone follows these procedures, it helps to make our dismissal faster and safer for everyone. 

  • Use crosswalks at all times
  • Pickup and drop off students on the passenger side of the car.
  • Follow the flow of traffic
  • Do not park in parking lots,  bus loading zones or in the curb cut.

A map of our traffic pattern is included with the handbook you received. Please call if you have any questions. 

ParentVue Online Verification

Please log into your ParentVue account to verify your students’ information.  This verification replaces the paper census that has been used at the beginning of the school year in the past and allows you to update contact information and emergency information, sign consent forms, etc.  All families  must do this required verification

On a personal computer or tablet, please visit to access and log into your Parentvue account (not the ParentVue app with smartphones) Once you have logged in, select the Online Registration button in the upper right corner and follow the prompts to update and verify your information.

Breakfast and Lunch

This year students at West Lincoln will receive free breakfast and lunch.  Students who bring cold lunch may purchase milk for 60 cents. You can add money to their My School Bucks account or send money with your student. 

Students who bring extra food or snacks must be in a lunch bag or sack and can only be consumed during lunch time.

New Staff

There are some new faces at West Lincoln this year.  We are excited to have them as a part of our school.  Please welcome the following staff.

Sarah Kerbs-Instructional Coordinator

Kasi Redfearn-4th Grade

MCKenzie Wiedel-4th Grade

Lauren Moncrief-4th Grade

Lauren Tamayo-5th Grade

Morgan VanAnne-5th Grade

Jessica Burry-EL 

Esman Rodas Calderon-Band

Megan Gildersleve-Gifted Facilitator

Jayden Farias-CLC Coordinator

Hannah Ward will be substituting for Leah Richhart for the first quarter. 

Counselor’s Corner

Hello West Lincoln Families!  

My name is Ali Bohlke and I have been the School Counselor at West Lincoln since August 2018.  I will have this section in the newsletter and I will discuss various topics about well-being and I will inform you about the topics I will be teaching in your kids’ classrooms.  This time I will introduce myself and what I do.

As the School Counselor I am here to help students be successful in school.  Sometimes things can get in the way of student success such as difficulty getting along with friends, current events, and many other stressors.  I am here to talk to students about these concerns and find solutions to assist them in being successful at school.  I do this by meeting one on one with students or meeting with students in small groups.  I also teach in each classroom once a month and I discuss social skills and problem-solving with the students.  

If you are concerned about your child or have any questions about my role, contact me any time!  My contact information is below.

Nurse Notes

Greetings from School Nurse Caroline and Nurse Michelle!  We hope everyone had a great summer!

**All kindergarten students and new students to West Lincoln will need to provide current immunizations and health physical forms.  Being up-to-date on immunizations is required by the State of Nebraska.  Please submit the immunization forms or a notarized waiver as soon as possible.

**School health screenings will begin at the end of August.  If your student has seen a physician for a health physical, hearing screening, eye exam and/or dental work, please provide us with a copy of the report.  Please provide the health office with any important medical forms needed to provide specific health care needs.

**Please provide the health office with needed medication consent forms, action plans for asthma, seizure, diabetes or other health concerns.  Please contact us with any questions or concerns.

**If your student borrows clothing from the health office, please wash the clothing and return it as soon as possible.  Any student returning borrowed clothing will be given a prize.

**We hope everyone has a fantastic and healthy school year!